Mt Werner-Steamboat Blvd

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Consultation has concluded

The major roundabout infrastructure project at the intersection of Mt. Werner Road and Steamboat Blvd. will fully open to traffic on Wednesday, November 10. Crews will be working this week to complete final critical work for opening sometime in the day on Wednesday.

This is the largest roundabout (inscribed diameter of over 140 feet) in town and features two lanes westbound (toward US40) and one lane eastbound (headed to ski mountain) that can be expanded to two lanes in the future when volumes warrant. The roundabout has been appropriately sized to perform well even during Steamboat’s busiest winter periods. In addition, an existing drainage pipe to accommodate the 100-year flood was installed. New sidewalks, formalizing existing bus stops, landscaping beautification, street and pedestrian lighting are part of the overall scope.

The project will be designed so that it can be more readily converted to a full double lane roundabout at some point in the future. The total project is expected to cost more than $4MM to complete and will be a significant improvement for the many vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists that travel through the intersection every day.

The major roundabout infrastructure project at the intersection of Mt. Werner Road and Steamboat Blvd. will fully open to traffic on Wednesday, November 10. Crews will be working this week to complete final critical work for opening sometime in the day on Wednesday.

This is the largest roundabout (inscribed diameter of over 140 feet) in town and features two lanes westbound (toward US40) and one lane eastbound (headed to ski mountain) that can be expanded to two lanes in the future when volumes warrant. The roundabout has been appropriately sized to perform well even during Steamboat’s busiest winter periods. In addition, an existing drainage pipe to accommodate the 100-year flood was installed. New sidewalks, formalizing existing bus stops, landscaping beautification, street and pedestrian lighting are part of the overall scope.

The project will be designed so that it can be more readily converted to a full double lane roundabout at some point in the future. The total project is expected to cost more than $4MM to complete and will be a significant improvement for the many vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists that travel through the intersection every day.

Consultation has concluded
  • Contactor Info Meeting

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    Steamboat Springs Roadway Improvements
    Mount Werner Road & Steamboat Blvd. Roundabout

    Informational Meeting Agenda - October 20, 2020 at 1:00 PM

    PROJECT DETAILS: (See below for Meeting Agenda)

    1. Project Team:
      • City Project Manager: Danny Paul, City of Steamboat Springs
      • Project Design Engineer: Chris Rundall, Baseline Engineering
      • Construction Management: Katie Goodwin, TRC Companies
      • Electrical Design Engineer: Andy Wilder, Wilder Engineering
      • Landscape Architect: Mike Campbell, MGC Design, Inc.
      • City Public Relations Officer: TBD
      • Contractor: TBD
        • Partners:
          • URAAC and Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority
          • Public Utility Providers: Yampa Valley Electric, Mt. Werner Water, Comcast, Centurylink and Atmos
    2. Project Overview:
      • Improvement on intersection of Mount Werner Road & Steamboat Blvd
      • Roundabout Intersection Project:
        • Partial double lane roundabout (Steamboat’s biggest)
        • Sanitary sewer re-alignment
        • Stormwater upgrades and replacements including large diameter pipe installation, and inlets/outlet structures
        • Grading for re-constructed roadway slope,
        • Streetscape – sidewalks, trees, lighting
        • See handout for draft Schedule of Quantities
    3. Project Schedule/Sequencing
      • 2020/21 Fall/Winter Design & Bidding
        • Contractor Input Meeting October 2020
        • 90% Design November 2020
        • Construction Documents February 2021
        • Easement Acquisitions February 2021
        • Advertise February 2021
        • Award March 2021
      • 2021 Construction:
        • Notice to Proceed April 2021
        • Utility Coordination March to November 2021
        • Construction April to October 2021
        • Punch List & Closeout October 2021

    AGENDA ITEMS: This meeting has been publicly advertised and is open to the public

    1. Project Overview & Introduction....................................................................................1:00pm
      • Introductions and Project Overview
      • Intent of the meeting
      • Funding structure for the project
      • Easement acquisitions
      • Traffic control / access expectations
    2. Review of Design Development Plans............................................................................1:20pm
    3. Construction Phasing & Sequencing...............................................................................1:30pm
      • See plan sheet for conceptual phasing/sequencing
      • We appreciate feedback from contractors regarding construction phasing/sequencing with consideration to project schedule and challenges.
        • Are there advantages to milling and paving all at once?
        • How will culvert installation be phased to accommodate spring runoff?
      • Culvert installation:
        • Water control and diversion
        • Utility supports
        • Sequencing
      • Utility provider coordination and relocation plans
    4. Construction Schedule...................................................................................................... 1:45pm
      • We appreciate feedback regarding construction duration. We anticipate this work may be completed in one summer construction season, approximately 6 months.
    5. Construction Staging Areas & Easements...................................................................... 2:00pm
      • We are seeking feedback on the property acquisition size/areas shown in the design plans.
      • Review of temporary construction easements.
      • From a staging standpoint, what is desired to most efficiently facilitate the execution of this work? How many staging locations? How large of an area is needed for a project of this scale? What is the minimum (least efficient) and maximum (most efficient) staging area desired?
      • Detour routes for peds/bikes
    6. Project Challenges......................................................................................... ……………..2:15pm
      • Identified Challenges:
        • Road closures and traffic routing during construction of 2-60-inch stormwater pipes
        • Maintaining safe and stable surfaces at grade changes between construction phases
        • Minimizing tree and other vegetation removal adjacent to residential properties.
        • Safe access routes for pedestrians and bicyclists
      • Pre-cast lead times
      • What challenges do you see with this project (constructability, traffic/pedestrian control, staging, etc.)?
      • What have we missed?
    7. Open Discussion................................................................................................................ 2:30pm
    8. Schedule Next Contractor Info Meeting……………………………………………………..2:55pm


    1. Site Plan (from DD)
    2. Ownership Map (from DD)
    3. Other Selected sheets: Culvert replacement, Utilities, Road Profiles (from DD)
    4. Phasing plan (from DD)
    5. Draft bid schedule / SOQ’s (from DD)

  • Design Plan

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    Basic Site Plan Design