Ski Time Square Project
Consultation has concluded

This project is funded by the Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority (SSRA) and has long been a high priority for the SSRA and its advisory committee, the Urban Redevelopment Authority Advisory Committee (URAAC). The project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive from the existing traffic circle near the Torian Plum to the easterly terminus near the T-Bar and seeks to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety as well as beautify the streetscape.
The Ski Time Square Drive Public Turnaround and Complete Streets Improvements Project will commence major construction activities in mid-April 2024, just after the close of ski season. This highly anticipated project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive, upgrade the streetscape with new snowmelted sidewalks and upgraded landscaping and improve vehicular circulation with a new public turnaround at the end of the public right of way. Construction is expected to progress through the summer and fall, with substantial completion expected before November 1, 2024.
Soon after the start of construction, the project team expects all public street parking on Ski Time Square Drive will become unavailable for most or all of the duration of the project. However, access to all adjacent properties will be maintained throughout the duration of project construction. Please don’t hesitate to contact the project team with any questions or concerns relating to access during the project.
This project is funded by the Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority (SSRA) and has long been a high priority for the SSRA and its advisory committee, the Urban Redevelopment Authority Advisory Committee (URAAC). The project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive from the existing traffic circle near the Torian Plum to the easterly terminus near the T-Bar and seeks to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety as well as beautify the streetscape.
The Ski Time Square Drive Public Turnaround and Complete Streets Improvements Project will commence major construction activities in mid-April 2024, just after the close of ski season. This highly anticipated project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive, upgrade the streetscape with new snowmelted sidewalks and upgraded landscaping and improve vehicular circulation with a new public turnaround at the end of the public right of way. Construction is expected to progress through the summer and fall, with substantial completion expected before November 1, 2024.
Soon after the start of construction, the project team expects all public street parking on Ski Time Square Drive will become unavailable for most or all of the duration of the project. However, access to all adjacent properties will be maintained throughout the duration of project construction. Please don’t hesitate to contact the project team with any questions or concerns relating to access during the project.
Ski Time Square Turnaround Breathes New Life Into Street
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STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO-October 17, 2024-Instead of running into a dead end, new life has been injected into Ski Time Square with the completion of the public turnaround and complete streets project.
“This project has been years in the making and brings much anticipated safety, functional and aesthetic improvements to Ski Time Square Drive,” commented City of Steamboat Springs Civil Engineer Danny Paul. “Most notably, the project constructed a new public turnaround at the eastern end of the street, improving vehicular circulation and providing a safe means of turning around for residents and guests alike.”
The Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority and City of Steamboat Springs announced the successful completion of construction ahead of the planned ribbon cutting ceremony later this month. The project will be completed on time and under budget, with minor work continuing through the end of October. Final landscaping will be installed next spring to increase the survival rate of the new plantings.
Fourteen new parking spaces have been added to Ski Time Square Drive, including three ADA and five EV charging spaces. In addition, significant streetscape improvements bring new lighting and landscaping, safer pedestrian crossings, new sidewalks, improved drainage and upgraded utilities to the popular mountain area.
A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on Thursday, October 24, at 9AM to officially reopen Ski Time Square Drive and the new public turnaround.
Together with Native Excavating, the project’s general contractor, the city and URA would like to thank the public and project neighbors for the extensive support received during the long planning phase and through construction that began in fall 2023 and continued through the entirety of the 2024 construction season.
Designed by local firm Baseline Engineering, this project is funded by the Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority and has long been a high priority for the SSRA and its advisory committee, the Urban Redevelopment Authority Advisory Committee.
Gates Gooding, SSRA Project Manager, 970.871.7037 or email
Danny Paul, Civil Engineer, 970.871.8210 or email
Michael Lane, Communications Manager, 970.871.8220 or email -
Construction Update - 7/17/2024
Share Construction Update - 7/17/2024 on Facebook Share Construction Update - 7/17/2024 on Twitter Share Construction Update - 7/17/2024 on Linkedin Email Construction Update - 7/17/2024 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Ski Time Square Drive remains open to two-way traffic during non-working hours with occasional delays expected during the workday which will continue through construction. The project team is maintaining access to all adjacent properties at all times, though no public parking will be available on the street through the end of construction. The project is on schedule for substantial completion by no later than November 1, 2024.
Over the last month, Native Excavating has been working on:
- Installation and testing of new fire hydrants, water services, sewer mains, and storm sewer
- Installation of dry utilities such as conduits for fiber optic and electrical for street lights and EV stations
- Demolished sidewalks and other features on the north side of the street
- Began installation of new street light bases
Upcoming work will include:
- Finishing work on street light bases
- Finalizing streetscape demolition and beginning construction of new curbs and sidewalks
- Starting on stacked stone walls
- Working on earthwork and fills to support coming surface improvements
- Dry utility installation, such as electrical and fiber optic
Biweekly meetings that are open to the public will continue to be held every other Thursday at 9:00 AM in the Torian Plum Creekside Meeting Room or by using the virtual link. Please contact Garrett Hanson, at 303-204-4504, or Gates Gooding at 970-846-4834 with any questions or concerns.
Construction Update - 5/9/2024
Share Construction Update - 5/9/2024 on Facebook Share Construction Update - 5/9/2024 on Twitter Share Construction Update - 5/9/2024 on Linkedin Email Construction Update - 5/9/2024 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Construction work began on schedule on April 22:
- The construction contractor is Native Excavating based out of Steamboat Springs.
- Initial work included mobilization, installation of traffic and environmental control devices, and milling the existing asphalt.
- Work has now begun to replace an existing sewer main owned by Mt. Werner Water.
- The first two months of construction will focus on deep and shallow utilities.
- The street will have temporary surfacing (milled asphalt) for the majority of the summer. As potholes develop the contractor is responsible to maintain the street but motorists should expect a rougher than normal street this summer.
- Most of the work will be completed with one lane alternating traffic during work hours. As a result, motorists should expect delays when driving through the work area.
- During non-work hours the street will be opened to two way travel.
- All adjacent properties and businesses will remain accessible at all times throughout the project.
- During construction there will be no on-street public parking available along Ski Time Square Drive. The nearby Torian Plum parking garage will be available for people wishing to access the businesses and residential units on the Torian Plum campus but this parking area is not to be used for access to other properties and businesses.
- Construction is schedule to be completed by no later than November 1st.
- The project team will continue to host biweekly information meetings that are open to the public. Those meetings are held every other Thursday at 9:00 AM in the Torian Plum Creekside meeting room as well as virtually (see below for link). The next meeting will be held on May 23 and will continue every other week thereafter.
Construction Slated to Start April 2024
Share Construction Slated to Start April 2024 on Facebook Share Construction Slated to Start April 2024 on Twitter Share Construction Slated to Start April 2024 on Linkedin Email Construction Slated to Start April 2024 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Ski Time Square Drive Public Turnaround and Complete Streets Improvements Project will commence major construction activities in mid-April 2024, just after the close of ski season. This highly anticipated project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive, upgrade the streetscape with new snowmelted sidewalks and upgraded landscaping and improve vehicular circulation with a new public turnaround at the end of the public right of way. Construction is expected to progress through the summer and fall, with substantial completion expected before November 1, 2024. After completing some preliminary deep utility work last fall, the project’s general contractor, Native Excavating, will complete the project’s remaining utility work beginning in April, moving to surface improvements later on.
Soon after the start of construction, the project team expects all public street parking on Ski Time Square Drive will become unavailable for most or all of the duration of the project. However, access to all adjacent properties will be maintained throughout the duration of project construction. Please don’t hesitate to contact the project team with any questions or concerns relating to access during the project.
The city recently contracted with Garret Hanson, of JG Hanson Construction Management, to serve as the construction manager for this project. Mr. Hanson will be onsite most days during the construction season and will support construction coordination with adjacent properties. The SSRA project manager, Gates Gooding, will also be available throughout the project to help coordinate, answer questions, and solve any issues that may come up during the project.
A series of biweekly public information meetings with project and construction updates will begin on Thursday, March 14, at 9 AM and continue to be held every other Thursday at the same time as long as there is interest. All interested parties are encouraged to attend for the most up-to-date information on the project. The meeting link is below:
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Public Turnaround Design Development Plan Open For Review
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STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO-November 9, 2022-The design development plans for the Ski Time Square Drive Public Turnaround and Complete Streets Improvement Project were recently completed by Baseline Engineering, bringing project design to a 70% level of completeness.
“We’ve made significant advancements through the different design phases – conceptual, schematic and now design development - and are looking for input on this latest iteration,” said SSRA Project Manager Gates Gooding. “We’ve received great public input to date and hope to see it continue as we move forward.”
The design development plans build upon the earlier schematic design set and refine many project details. The project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive from the existing traffic circle near Torian Plum to the easterly terminus near T-bar and seeks to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety.
A main project feature will be a new public turnaround at the eastern end of Ski Time Square Drive to provide drivers with a safe and easy way to turn around as well as improve fire access for the surrounding properties.
The Urban Redevelopment Authority Advisory Committee (URAAC) is recommending the high-priority project for final budget approval by the Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority (SSRA) at the annual budget meeting on December 6. The project is scheduled for construction in 2023, pending successful acquisition of required easements from adjoining property owners over the next couple months.
The team has set the remaining project schedule:
- November - January: Final Design, Construction Planning and Coordination
- Spring 2023: Contractor Procurement
- April - November 2023: Project Construction
Baseline Engineering has been working on project design since March 2022, building on a conceptual plan previously completed during 2019-2020 by Landmark Engineering, which also included outreach to adjacent landowners. Visit to view the full set of project plans and other project information including the public comment sheet.
Gates Gooding, SSRA Project Manager, 970.871.7037 or email
Danny Paul, Public Works Engineer, 970.871.8210 or email
Michael Lane, Communications Manager, 970.871.8220 or email -
Design Development Plan
Share Design Development Plan on Facebook Share Design Development Plan on Twitter Share Design Development Plan on Linkedin Email Design Development Plan linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.View the Design Development Plan HERE
Open House Planned for New Public Ski Time Sq Turnaround
Share Open House Planned for New Public Ski Time Sq Turnaround on Facebook Share Open House Planned for New Public Ski Time Sq Turnaround on Twitter Share Open House Planned for New Public Ski Time Sq Turnaround on Linkedin Email Open House Planned for New Public Ski Time Sq Turnaround linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO-June 21, 2022-The Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority (SSRA) is working to improve Ski Time Square Drive with a new public turnaround and complete streets enhancements and the project team will host a public open house on June 30.
The project team is holding a public open house on Thursday, June 30 from 4-6 PM in Torian Plum’s Creekside Meeting Room to gather input on the project.
What: Ski Time Square Drive Improvements Project Open House
When: Thursday, June 30th from 4:00-6:00 PM
Where: Torian Plum Creekside Meeting Room, 1855 Ski Time Square Drive
Who: Members of the project and design teams will be on hand to provide an overview of the project and discuss questions.The project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive from the existing traffic circle near the Torian Plum to the easterly terminus near the T-Bar and seeks to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety as well as beautify the streetscape.
A main feature will be a new public turnaround at the eastern end of Ski Time Square Drive to give drivers a safe and easy way to turn around and to improve fire access for the surrounding properties.
If individuals cannot attend the open house but still desire to provide feedback, a comment sheet is available. Visit to access the comment sheet and see the full set of project plans and other project information.
Project design is currently underway with the schematic design phase and will continue through the end of 2022, with construction tentatively scheduled to begin Spring 2023. This project is funded by the Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority (SSRA) and has long been a high priority for the SSRA and its advisory committee, the Urban Redevelopment Authority Advisory Committee (URAAC)
Gates Gooding, SSRA Project Manager, 970.871.7037 or email
Danny Paul, Public Works Engineer, 970.871.8210 or email
Michael Lane, Communications Manager, 970.871.8220 or email -
Community Engagement Plan
Share Community Engagement Plan on Facebook Share Community Engagement Plan on Twitter Share Community Engagement Plan on Linkedin Email Community Engagement Plan linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.See the full Community Engagement Plan for the Ski Time Square Drive Public Turnaround and Complete Streets Project
Ski Time Turnaround Schematic Plans
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Ski Time Square Project Enters Design & Outreach Phase
Share Ski Time Square Project Enters Design & Outreach Phase on Facebook Share Ski Time Square Project Enters Design & Outreach Phase on Twitter Share Ski Time Square Project Enters Design & Outreach Phase on Linkedin Email Ski Time Square Project Enters Design & Outreach Phase linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO-May 24, 2022-Civil design and public engagement are underway for the Ski Time Square Drive Public Turnaround and Complete Streets Improvement Project.
This project is funded by the Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority (SSRA) and has long been a high priority for the SSRA and its advisory committee, the Urban Redevelopment Authority Advisory Committee (URAAC)
The project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive from the existing traffic circle near the Torian Plum to the easterly terminus near the T-Bar and seeks to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety as well as beautify the streetscape.
A main feature will be a new public turnaround at the eastern end of Ski Time Square Drive to give drivers a safe and easy way to turn around and to improve fire access for the surrounding properties.
Baseline Engineering from Steamboat Springs has been hired as the lead designer and began schematic design for the project in March 2022. The firm built on a conceptual plan previously completed during 2019-2020 by Landmark Engineering and which included some outreach to adjacent landowners. Current design work is being coordinated with adjacent property owners and existing redevelopment plans, to the extent possible.
A public open house is being planned for late June or early July to solicit feedback on the design from the community and other stakeholders. The current schedule consists of the following:
- March-December 2022: Design Work & Stakeholder Engagement
- Late June or Early July 2022: Public Open House
- July-December 2022: Construction Planning & Coordination
- Late Spring 2023- Earliest tentative construction start date- could be pushed to future years
In addition, Yampa Valley Electric Association has a significant project under construction in the mountain area and surrounding streets, including Ski Time Square Drive. The YVEA project is not directly associated with this project but when complete will deliver essential power to the Steamboat ski area, including redevelopment sites along Ski Time Square Drive.
Danny Paul, Public Works Engineer, 970.871.8210 or email
Gates Gooding, SSRA Project Manager, 970.871.8272 or email
Michael Lane, Communications Manager, 970.871.8220 or email